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The Kimberley – Something to Look Forward To

Above lettering by Jude Dias
Above image by Melissa Connell

In the face of all of this Coronavirus uncertainty, one thing is for sure. This will end. And when it does, the Kimberley will be the same amazing place that it’s been since the beginning of time.

“Our family moved to Broome in 1995. I remember sitting on the timber hand rail at Cable Beach and looking at the shimmering sea, then being swarmed by dozens of dragonflies. Locals say that the arrival of the dragonflies signals the beginning of the Kimberley’s Dry Season. This is also when the caravans begin to appear.

But now it’s March 2020 and this season is looking to be different. There’s enough doom and gloom on the news, so we won’t add to that. In the face of such uncertainty, one thing is for sure. This will end. And when it does, the Kimberley will be the same amazing place that it’s been since the beginning of time.

And so we begin our series of ‘something to look forward to’ posts. We’ll feature a different place each day, to connect you with the natural attractions and the people of this great region. We want to help you cultivate your own little lists of ‘something to look forward to’, for when everything’s open again and you’re able to come and explore. Feel free to comment with places/businesses you’d like us to feature.

Take care of yourself, your neighbours and your loved ones and remember that you’re not alone in this. We hope to see you soon in the Kimberley.”

Liss Connell – Exploring Eden Media


Lettering created by Jude Dias from Sevn Studios.

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